Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Since September of last year, I've been lazy. A lazy reader that is. I haven't read too many books over the six months. Maybe 12 or so. I finished 2006 having finished close to 65 or 70 books. The most I had read in one calendar year. This year I don't envision reading 70, but I'm hoping to pick up the pace and get back into the swing of things.

Since January, I've read only about six so far, mostly hitorical non-fiction. I've been able to get my non-fiction fix early and out of the way. I've also finished my first Louis Auchincloss, The Rector of Justin and my first Allegra Goodman, Intuition. Auchincloss was a pleasent surprise, but Goodman didn't live up to the hype. However, I think that my disinterest in science labratories could have played part in my reading.

Though there was nothing novel in Auchincloss's book about an all boy's school in New England, it was a good read. Quick. It hasn't made me want to read any more of his work, but I'm glad I spent a few days with his old school novel.

With Goodman, I had been waiting to read Intuition for awhile. It's set in my backyard of Cambridge and Boston and I'm always interested in books that take place around here. This book simply didn't live up to my expectations. A story about moral ambiguity and ethical methidcal practices, Intuition was flat. I was waiting for the language to take me into the story, but it wasn't there. I have Katerskill Falls on my shelf at work, but I think it'll have to sit there for a little while longer.


Anonymous said...

Welcome back!

Diana said...

Yes, it's good to see you back.

Mike B. said...

Thanks Stefanie and Diana, it's good to be back. I'm coming back with a new perspective on blogging. I was taking to too seriously before. Now I want to do it for fun.

Rebecca H. said...

I listened to Kaaterskill Falls on audio and liked it quite a bit.

Yes, blogging must be fun!

SFP said...

I remember being a lot more impressed with Kaaterskill Falls than I was with Intuition. I've also heard good things about The Family Markowitz, but I haven't read it yet.

David Hodges said...

If you don't mind cheating a bit on your book count, I could offer you a nifty shortcut to get those numbers up and whet your appetite for longer works. Just drop by and polish off any one of more than 70 Very Short Novels I have posted together in one convenient blogsite. At exactly 299 words each, they won't take a week to read.

Craig Nickels said...

I like the fact that you have more comments in one entry than I've had in the last 6 months. Jerk.